Sunday, August 3, 2008

Maximum Density

.....well it finally happened. Both my closet and my book case are about to explode. I guess there are worse vices in the world other than shoes and books.....yeah know like crack....whores....good thing I'm in the shallow end with heels.

And speaking of books....Vampires are everywhere. No not in real life of course, but in Barns and Noble. You walk in and wham!!! everything from the Twilight Series to the House of Night books is swarming the store. I missed the book party for Breaking Dawn due to.....well I forgot, but from what I was told it was packed...even here in Anchorage, land of nothing to do.

Yay for the new job!! Policies are completely different than back at cellular hell. I have no time clocks, a director that is actually present and not hiding in his office eight hours of the day and people who actually do their jobs.....couldn't believe it. Ive enjoyed it so far. Dress code is stricter, I wore jeans for the first time in a week on Saturday night. I don't mind it, more places should encourage it, I believe it enforces the professionalism of the company.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Goodbye AKD!

Yes. Yes. Yes!!! I'm SO excited. I interviewed with the floor manager for a collection agency here in the Freezing Arctic and was offered the job before I even left. What could make this better....oh I don't know that fact that I'll be making more than I do now....or how about the fact that Cneezy is going with me!! Yep, she interviewed today as well and got the other position they were hiring for. I'm way excited, to day has been fabulous.

I'm all happy this afternoon and I went in to give my notice at work right? Yeah well my manager was in this horrible mood, totally pissed off.....and she's never like that. So while I waited for her to get off the phone I argued with myself weather to tell her today or or or tomorrow?? Well I told her today and she wasn't too thrilled with my decision....

Here's what happened.

See there are only about 4 people out of our entire call center that has ANY experience what so ever, this including me....and EmoKid. EmoKid tells me today one of our SSA managers called her and want her to go work in one of our retail locations. No biggie.....except he called our manger to talk to her about this before I could get to her to tell her I was giving her my notice! So poor N, she had to find out today shes losing two of her Senior employees. and come to find out we aren't the only ones. Three other CSR's have quite. Remember when I was talking about "Jumping Ship"? Yeah I apparently wasn't the only one with this idea...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Gloomy Sunday

Ummmmm today is gross. Its was so nice Friday and Saturday. Tobi decided to take a stroll by him self out side, and got soaked. Of course. Everything here just naturally seems to be green, almost like we don't need the rain. Who really needs the rain is California. Those wild fires are just destroying that state.

I do believe the sun is trying to come out as i type this, even at 4:30 in the afternoon.....ahhh Summer time in Alaska.

On a happier and less gloomy note, its been decided on what were doing for my 21st birthday!! Yay! Yes we are talking almost 5 months away but since C and Cneezy are going with, planning must be done now. Our choice destination is Seattle. I love Seattle and even though I'm supposed to be going to Florida instead, Ive decided not too because oh my gosh tickets are almost $1200! We can stay in a 4 star hotel and get round trip tickets for half that per person. Besides i spent 11 years in Florida....boring. Seattle is obviously way cooler and the bars will be way better. Shopping by hopping by night. And hello Seattle = Starbucks. All three of us are coffee junkies so its perfect.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Jumping Ship

I want a new job....wait correction....I NEED a new job. We have had SO many issues with our company within the last two months that people have been fired or jumped ship like crazy. We were bought out by a bigger company and had all these retarded upgrades that honestly seem to have made our service even worse. I aked a Senior on staff yesterday "Remember when we had no problems?" she laughed so hard I thought her wig was going to fall off.

I had an interview for an admin assistant for a doctors office this morning. It went pretty well and sounds good. I'm weird and I like the atmosphere of doctors offices and hospitals. Maybe its my inner OCD kicking in when I'm in one. But these jerks were offering me LESS than what i make now....ummm I don't think so.

Ubber Bitch has flown off the fuckin handle this time. She fired C-Baby and didn’t even have the balls to show up yesterday at work to do it, she made another manager do it! I get to work this afternoon and there is an email from a former employee saying "WTF Holly C-Baby got axed yesterday????!!!" I was pissed he found out before me, I ALWAYS know the goods before him, or anyone else for that matter, and he doesn’t even work there anymore.....

But of course thats not the point, the point is that she swore up and down our lifelines accounts would and could not be able to call long-distance with the LIF Feature code right?.....well after all this upgrade bull shit that took place all of them could. She still denied this and said no they couldn’t. well yesterday I was emailing C-Baby just bitching about none of our shit ever works. He told me we have a bigger crisis than my issue, he compiled a list of 1600 accounts that he received adj requests for accounts that had massive LD charges on them!! He said he sent this email to not only Ubber Bitch saying she was wrong but every manager and bigwig in our company minus Granola Muncher and F. So after he did this she requested him terminated. All because this bitch couldn’t face the fact that she was wrong for once and take what was coming to her.

People are quitting left and right, K left for the company right next door to our admin office, Big B told me today he wishes he worked for another carrier. Lmao. It’s hilarious

...and quit sad at the same time

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Strippers, Booze & A Penis Cake

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